• Marinator

  • Herbal preservation of fresh fish and meat over 4 months

• A product of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises, Trivandrum, India

• Freshness redefined even after a season


  1. No chemicals used – 100% herbal preservation.
  2. No icing/freezing required any more.
  3. Preservation possible even in extremely hot climatic condition.
  4. Fish/meat will be fresh and hygienic up to a long period of 120 days.
  5. No change in the natural taste of fish/meat.
  6. Free from polluted, hazardous chemicals. Pure, fresh and poison-free fish and meat is made available, thanks to this state-of-the-art technology long awaited by the mankind.
  7. Good bye to taste compromised deep frozen non-veg food.
  8. Good bye to using dangerous and poisonous preservatives, causing incurable diseases.
  9. Safest food even to infant babies, far above the highest food safety standard.
  10. This food is most recommended to hospitalized patients to boost up their immunity level.
  11. The herbs used for preservation absorbs/diffuses chemical impurities from fish/meat like dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyls (pcb), chlorinated pesticides, carcinogenic chemicals and other toxic substances.
  12. The powerful ingredients used in the herbal liquid are capable to destroy all types of disease-causing viruses, bacteria and fungus from the preserved fish/meat, making it the most safest food to consume.
  13. Detoxification process complete within 1 hour when fish/meat immersed in herbal liquid.
  14. Maximum preservation ability of the herbal liquid:- 120 days.
  15. Shelf life of unused herbal liquid:- 5 years.
  16. Herbal liquid can be used for immersing fish/meat that is in dressed and cleaned condition, or as fresh as harvested condition without cleaning for preservation.
  17. The used herbal liquid after 120 days can be utilized as an excellent organic liquid manure for plants ensuring zero wastage anywhere in the processing system.

Comparative chart of Marinator Vs other preservation systems:

Sl. No.



Deep freezers/ refridgerators

1 Freshness of fish/meat 100% freshness even after 4 months Freshness disappears once kept in freezer
2 Taste/flavour Provides 100% natural taste Freezer of fish/meat cannot provide natural taste
3 Chemical impurities in fish/meat Absorbs/diffuses all hazardous poisonous chemical impurities All impurities are also preserved in freezing system
4 Food safety (Chemical and biological purity level)

The powerful ingredients used in the herbal liquid are capable to destroy all types of disease-causing viruses, bacteria and fungus from the preserved fish/meat, making it the most safest food to consume.

Safest food even to infant babies, far above the highest food safety standard. This food is also most recommended to hospitalized patients to boost up their immunity level

Frozen food is not free from chemical and biological impurities
5 Preservation technology 100% harmless. Edible herbs are used for preservation Freezing technology is used
6 Power consumption No power/electricity required for Marinator 3 to 5 units of power per 24 hrs for a small size freezer, provided the lid is kept closed always. Power consumption will shoot up further if the door/lid is kept open
7 Direct savings on power Full savings as no power/electricity required for Marinator Very expensive and recurring cost will further shoot up if used in peak hours
8 Environmental pollution Nil. Moreover it diffuses and prevents chemical pollution from getting into the body while consuming the preserved fish/meat Refridgerators break ozone molecules. It emits green house gases. Global warming potential is 13850 times greater than carbondioxide
9 By-products The used herbal liquid after 120 days is an excellent organic liquid manure for plants enhancing growth and resistance power Emits potential poisonous green house gases
10 Seasonal benefits Fish/meat can be purchased and preserved in Marinator herbal liquid when it is available at lower prices in market for future use. The same can be used without loosing freshness Freshness completely compromised if kept in freezer. Hence customers cannot encash any seasonal benefit
11 Loss of nutritional value during preservation Nil Loss of essential nutrients is noted by the researchers if preserved in deep freezers along with loss of flavour and taste. Consuming frozen food items frequently is harmful for health
12 Advantages to sea-food/fresh water fish/meat exporters Can easily and successfully go through any international lab test for checking chemical impurities. Fish/meat preserved in Marinator will enhance the quality as it is organically preserved. This will give better value for the product. Exporters can be free from great anxiety as the test result will promote better brand value and demand in the market Exporting fish/meat are rejected in many occassions due to the presence of chemical impurities while testing. The entire consignment will be rejected and returned back by the importer in such cases. This causes huge financial losses and tarnishes their image in the market
13 Time required for absorbing chemical impurities from fish/meat 1 hour No absorption capacity
14 Direct benefactors • Fishing boats/ fishing ships
• Fish/meat market
• Fresh fish selling shops
• Restaurants/hotels
• Function organizing centres like marriage/parties/meetings/conferences etc.
• Residential and apartment complexes
• Cruise ships, cruise boats and caravans etc.
• All fresh fish/meat loving people
Deep freezers/refridgerators making companies


Direct benefactors of the product:

  • Fishing boats/ fishing ships
  • Fish/meat market
  • Fresh fish selling shops
  • Restaurants/hotels
  • Function organizing centres like marriage/parties/meetings/conferences etc.
  • Residential and apartment complexes
  • Cruise ships, cruise boats and caravans etc.
  • All fresh fish/meat loving people

About Marinator:

  • Marinator is a preservation technology of fresh fish/meat without using refrigeration, freezing, chemical preservatives, etc.
  • Marinator is perhaps the most economical preservation technology available today in the world.
  • It is 100% eco-friendly, organic, new and state-of-the-art technology for preserving fresh fish/meat.
  • Marinator does not require any infrastructure for preservation of fresh fish/meat. Farmers of fish/meat can preserve their product right from the very moment of the catch, ensuring 100% freshness.
  • Marinator technology will retain the taste of the product intact for over 120 days. The herbal liquid to be used for preservation is 100% edible, chemical-free and organic. It makes the food most safest, even to infants and hospitalized patients.
  • Marinator is capable of removing all hazardous impurities present in fish/meat along with its core responsibility of preservation. Marinator therefore ensures 100% safety of food.
  • Marinator requires zero power consumption unlike in other preservation technologies.
  • Fresh fish/meat need to be completely immersed in Marinator herbal liquid at any point of time for preservation.
  • The used herbal liquid after 120 days can be utilized as an excellent organic liquid manure for plants ensuring zero wastage anywhere in the processing system.
  • Cost of the herbs used for preservation :-  INR 95 per litre excluding taxes.


  • Avoid depositing fish/meat in partial/full decayed condition. Always ensure to use fresh fish/meat for preservation. Fishermen can carry Marinator herbal liquid in boat/ship and make use of the same soon after trawling. People who are in aqua-culture may make use of Marinator herbal liquid soon after harvesting.
  • Ensure fish/meat to be completely immersed in the herbal liquid in the preservation container at any point of time.

For enquiries/placing order send an email to:

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